Podcast: Hazardous Drugs in 2020, Reality is Here.

There was a lot of movement going into the implementation date, and folks were trying to figure out exactly how <800> would impact their specific facility.  There was some confusion around who had to implement: was it just compounding operations or all Pharmacy operations.  There were State Boards of Pharmacy were touting no action on their end.  Some people said “Oh no, it will get delayed”, others said “I’m not doing anything unless my state board says I have to”.  Some folks took the stance “I’ll start when someone gets fined”.  So a lot of folks were trying to prepare for the inevitable, but what actually has happened? The implementation date was about 4 months ago- where exactly do we stand now?
Join Jeff Hedges & Becky Templeton as they discuss how USP <800> got mixed in with the appeals process with USP <795> and <797>, review the players in the regulatory arena for USP <800> and what they were looking for, talk about what pharmacies should be doing and what they may expect if an inspector visits their pharmacy, and even touch on the new proposed draft of the NIOSH list.

Becky Templeton

Becky is a Board Certified DME Specialist and Accredited Business Intermediary. Her education and training background fuels her desire to understand how things work, while trying to get the simplest answers and best methods for implementation. She is the go to woman for R.J. Hedges’ training and the voice of many of our videos.

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